Career Success
Learn how your business can become a Career Success Partner.

The Need for Career Readiness Support

Long-term, we hope to increase the pool of talented and diverse individuals joining the workforce, strengthening Boston communities, and serving as role models for the next generation.
Our Strategic Initiative
The first stage of our career readiness programming is to support Scholars in earning a college degree.
Beginning in July 2024, services spanning the entire program will include:
- Continued development of foundational skills in middle and high school to support academic and ultimately professional success
- Exposure to a variety of employment paths through career panels, shadow days, field trips, and Saturday electives
- Access to a career readiness curriculum that helps Scholars build social capital and develop skills including resume-writing, networking, interviewing, etc.
- A Career Mentors program, with Mentors drawn from industry professionals and 1,000+ Steppingstone Alumni, to support Scholars with networking, finding internships, and overall career success
- Immersion in their fields of interest through paid internships and other professional opportunities
- One-on-one career counseling provided by a Steppingstone Advisor
Our programming will be tailored to the needs of each age group:
Primary focus: to prepare Scholars for admission to schools that lead to college and ensure that they transition successfully to their new schools
- Increase career exposure and knowledge through career panels, field trips, a middle school career readiness curriculum, and career-oriented electives
- Help Scholars align their interests and skills with prospective careers through career-oriented electives
- Connect career goals with educational attainment
- Build upon foundational skills linked to career success (i.e., collaboration/team work, communication, leadership, self-advocacy)
- Strengthen tech skills (digital footprint, professional emails, online activities) through a digital literacy class during the final Academy summer and on Saturdays in Middle School Success
Primary focus: Support Scholar success in high school and prepare them for admission to four-year colleges
- Continue building on foundational skills that support college and career success and connect Scholars’ career goals with educational attainment
- Provide guidance with selecting majors in college, with career goals in mind
- Hold interactive workshops on fundamental topics including: resume building, how to ask for recommendations and references, office etiquette, interview skills, etc.
- Emphasize importance of extracurricular activities, volunteering, and other transferable skills
- Provide networking and career awareness opportunities through shadow days, field trips, and panel discussions
- Encourage participation in Steppingstone leadership development opportunities including roles as Teaching Assistants, Peer Leaders, and Admission representatives
- Connect Scholars with summer opportunities and internships
- Support Scholars in creating and using LinkedIn profiles
Primary focus: Ensure that Scholars transition successfully to college, persist through graduation, and launch into successful careers in their field of choice.
- Continue building on foundational/social-emotional skills that support college and career success
- Host career panels to build career awareness and provide networking opportunities
- Offer 1:1 career advising to support Scholars in their individual job searches
- Connect Scholars with Career Mentors to provide coaching and help Scholars develop social capital
- Build relationships with corporations to provide Scholars with access to internships and other opportunities
- Create Scholar Cohorts to learn together, support one another, and foster a sense of community
- Provide coaching on using college career center resources, LinkedIn, Handshake
- Develop incentives program to motivate participation